- Log in to your Shop Local account.
- At the top right of your screen, roll over Products. From the drop-down menu, click Mass Update via Excel.
- On the Product Update page, please do the following:
If updating US pricing:
1. Select $US Wholesale / Retail Price as the update topic.
2. Format your Excel file to have these column names in the first row: SKU, US_wholesale_price, US_retail_price
If updating Canadian pricing:
1. Select Canadian Wholesale / Retail Price as the update topic.
2. Format your Excel file to have these column names in the first row: SKU, CA_wholesale_price, CA_retail_price
- Browse to your excel file and perform the Excel File Validation step to validate your file. Click the Validate button.
- Browse to your excel file and perform the Compare step to view how many SKUs will be updated. Click the Compare button.
- Browse to your excel file and perform the Update step to update your data. Click the Update button.
Tip: The wholesale and retail prices are the correct/updated prices. You do not need you to include the 'old' prices.
- Your upload will not work if you have a $ sign in front of your numbers.
- Please convert the column's cell format to "Number" and remove the $ sign.
- Please do not use formulas in your cells. Please use the "Paste Special" feature to remove formulas.
- Please do not list the same SKU more than once in your sheet. Please sort your sheet by SKU. Please look for the same SKU and make duplicates unique.