- Log in to your Shop Local account.
- Browse to the product you wish to make tax-exempt.
- On the product's Details page, click "Edit product" next to the pencil icon.
- In the Edit modal, click the tab "Description, Keywords, Shipping & More."
- At the bottom of the modal, there is a "Charge Tax" button.
- If the button is green, that means you're charging tax. Click the green button to turn off charging tax for the product.
- If the button is white, you're not charging tax. Click the button to turn on charging tax for the product.
- Click the button "Update Product" to save your changes.
- After you save your changes, click the 'X' at the top of the modal to close it. The page will refresh.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the product's Details page. On the product's listing, you will see "Charge tax on this item:"
- If the product is tax-exempt, you will see "Charge tax on this item: No."
- If the product is not tax-exempt, you will see "Charge tax on this item: Yes."
Please note:
- Choosing whether or not to charge tax only applies to retail orders for a product. This does not apply to wholesale orders.
- The tax-exempt option is only available for products added by your account. This feature does not apply to products you receive via the Syncing service.