Download a Gift Registry:
Before deleting a registry, please consider first backing it up. There are four parts of a registry that you'll wish to back up. They are:
- Registrant's profile. This includes the registrant's name, address, telephone number, email, etc.
- Gift list. These are the items on the registry list (aka the gifts that can be bought).
- Purchases. This includes the customer's name, address, telephone number, email, etc.
- Special pricing. These are unique prices (often discounts) that were assigned to the items on the registry list.
There are two primary ways to back up a registry:
- You can download it using Shop Local's download links.
- To download a single registry's content, please follow these steps:
- Log in to your Shop Local account.
- Browse to the registry that you wish to download.
- Once logged in to the desired registry, scroll to the "Private/For Merchant Only: Tools and Settings" section at the bottom of the page.
- Next to the Excel icon, you will have the option to download the following:
- Profiles
- Gift List
- Purchases
- Special Pricing
- Click on the link that you wish to download. Each of these links produces an Excel file with a download of these contents.
- To download multiple registries' content, please follow these steps:
- Log in to your Shop Local account.
- Hover over Gift Registry in the navigation menu, and from the drop-down, select Gift Lists.
- Select the year for which you wish to download registries.
- Change your "Registry View" to "Edit." (By default, you're in "List" view.)
- Once you are in Edit view, you will see that all the registries now have an Excel icon. Next to the Excel icon, you will have the option to download the following:
- Profile
- List
- Purchases
- All
- Each of these links produces an Excel file with a download of these contents. Selecting "All" will download all three previous files into an Excel file. You will see the results on three tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
- To download a single registry's content, please follow these steps:
- Print the registry. Printing a registry the most basic method to back up a registry.
- To print a single registry's content, please follow these steps:
- Log in to your Shop Local account.
- Browse to the registry that you wish to download.
- At the end of the registry list, click the Print button next to the printer icon.
- A print modal will appear. Change the destination to "Save as PDF" then click Save.
- This feature "prints" the document as a digital PDF. In this way, you can have registries "digitally" as a PDF and not have to print out lots of paper registries. You can have digital versions of the registries.
- This feature "prints" the document as a digital PDF. In this way, you can have registries "digitally" as a PDF and not have to print out lots of paper registries. You can have digital versions of the registries.
- You can use the "print as PDF" feature built into your web browser or computer.
- This feature "prints" the document as a digital PDF. In this way, you can have registries "digitally" as a PDF and not have to print out lots of paper registries. You can have digital versions of the registries.
- If you are using a PC or Windows computer, here is more info on "print to PDF": .
- To print a single registry's content, please follow these steps:
- After you print or download the Excel files, you may choose to delete the registry. Please note: there are many benefits to keeping a registry with a past event date active.