A. Connect with your existing retailers that are active / using Shop Local
- Log in to your Shop Local account.
- At the top of your account roll over Management and from the drop down menu under My Network click on Retailers.
On this page, you'll see your brand and which retailers are connected to it.
You will most likely want to sync with all retailers that say they sell your brand.
At the bottom of the "Synced" column, there is a percentage showing what percentage of retailers that sell your brand that you're syncing products with. You will likely want this percentage to be as close to 100% as possible.
Note: there is also column titled Show on Find a Retailer. For each retailer that you're syncing with, you will like want there to be a green dot (meaning 'yes'). If there is not a green dot and you are syncing products, click on Add.
If you see the retailer that you want to sync with here, click the Ask to Sync link.
- If you don't see the retailer's name, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Add Business button.
- You will be taken to the directory with all of Shop Local's businesses in it. Please see step B below for more instructions.
B. Invite your existing retailers that do not currently use Shop Local to open a free Shop Local account
- Email your retailers.
You will want to email your retailers and invite them to join you on Shop Local.
In order to make this easier, Shop Local has a customizable template email.
Please find that template email here:
In order to help you see what an invitation email may look like, Shop Local can email you as if you are a retailer. We use MailChimp to send you this sample invitation. Please email [email protected] and ask us to email you this MailChimp brand invitation.
- Shop Local has a Retailers Directory that contains 1,000s of retailers (this directory has active and prospective users of Shop Local). Using this directory, you can find and invite your inactive retailers in Shop Local.
- Roll over Management, and under My Network click on Friends.
- Use the search tool to search for your stores.
- When you find the store, click on Ask to Sync or Invite in the far right column. A pop-up window will appear. You can customize the message to invite your retailers join Shop Local.
- Click on the blue Send Sync Request button. This will send a sync request.
- If the business accepts this sync request, all your products will appear in its Shop Local catalog for sale.
- You can watch your request's progress in your Ticket Tracking system.
C. Use the Shop Local Retailer Directory to research prospective stores that don't yet carry your brand.
- Roll over Management, and under My Network click on Friends.
- Click into each store's Shop Local site and get to know the store better. See what it carries and whether it might be an good fit for your products.
"Friend" the stores that you have a strong interest in and that might be viable candidates for your products. Don't go overboard. Please try to limit your Friend requests to retailers you do not currently have a relationship with no more than 20 at any given time.
D. View all active retailers of Shop Local
Visit our sales site where we list all active stores: https://www.shoplocal.org/retailers-members.cfm
E. Promote your Shop Local service in your showroom.
Shop Local offers you free materials including table tents, window decals, and flyers.
Please email Shop Local top ask for free materials.
View decal examples:
View table tent examples:
View flyer examples:
F. Promote your Shop Local on your website.
Place the Shop Local logo on your website. The logo may appear alongside other social media logos such as Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram. The logo can also go on the wholesale section/retailer section of your site and include a description of the program. This logo can be a link leading to your Shop Local home page.
View examples of how Brands added the Shop Loco logo to their website:
Please find the Shop Local logo choices below for your use.
G. Promote your Shop Local in your price list.
Add text to the bottom of your price list that shares that retailers using Shop Local will always have the most up-to-date information.
Shop Local is quicker and cheaper than using Dropbox and other file sharing services to share updates. Reason: it's instant.