When you receive an order that is not registry related and is from a 'general public' customer, and you don't have real-time credit card processing setup for your account, you'll follow these steps:
- Log in to to your Shop Local account.
- Once you log in, at the very top of your Shop Local account, click on "Orders."
- Find the order that you wish to address. Click on the Order Total or Order ID for the order. This will take you to the Order Details page.
- On the Orders Details page, you can see if the order is a registry order, the customer's name, their telephone number, etc.
The next step is determining if you have the item in stock.
If you have the item in stock:
- If you have the item in stock you just need to call the customer and take his/her credit card over the telephone, then enter it via your terminal in your store. The Order Details page has the customer's telephone number to call.
- Once you receive payment, you will update the payment status in your Shop Local store to "Paid".
- Once you have fulfilled the order, you will update the order status to "Complete."
If you do NOT have the item in stock:
If you do not have have the item in stock, and the item is, for example, from a Brand Syncing partner, you will want to:
- Scroll to the very bottom of the Order Details page to view Wholesale Ordering details.
- Call your sales rep or corporate to find out if it's in stock, and ask about a delivery ETA to the customer's address. You will most likely want it drop shipped.
But, you won't want to order it just yet; you'll place a 'hold' on the item.
- You'll call the customer, give them the delivery info that you received from the rep or corporate, and ask for the customer's credit card. In the event that the customer doesn't want to continue with the order, then that's the end of the order. You will update the order in your Shop Local store to "Complete: Canceled and Please see Payment Status".
- If the customer gives you the credit card number, you will thank the customer, enter the card info in your in-store terminal, and assuming it's approved, call your rep or corporate back and place the order.
- Once you receive payment, you will update the payment status in your Shop Local store to "Paid".
- Once you have fulfilled the order, you will update the order status to "Complete."