- Log in to your Bridge.
- At the top of your site, hover over "Management" and from the drop down click on "My Business Profile".
- In your general business settings, scroll down to "Retail Purchasing Online" on the right-hand side of the page. You'll see an area to manage gift wrapping.
The choices for allowing gift wrapping for online purchase are "Yes" or "No".
If "Yes," on what purchases do you offer gift wrapping?
- On gift registry purchases (gifts)
- On general public (non-registry) non Product Syncing Brand items
- On general public (non-registry) Product Syncing Brand items
Choose which one applies.
The reason we offer a choice of "Just on non Product Syncing brand items" is that Product Syncing brand items are more likely to be drop shipped. Drop shipped items are less likely to be gift wrapped.
4. If you choose any option besides "No," you'll be able to then choose "Yes" or "No" for charging for gift wrapping.
5. If you choose "Yes" for charge for wrapping, you'll then enter a price to charge the customer. This amount will be added in the checkout should the person select gift wrapping.
6. At the bottom of the page, click on "Save Your Changes" to save your changes.