Shop Local Merchants Rank 700% Higher than Shopify Merchants
The results and findings presented in this post are based on research conducted on September 6, 2023. These findings reflect the specific search results observed on that date and may not represent ongoing or future trends. Ranking of individual stores on Google may vary over time and across different locations, search terms, and other factors. The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a guarantee of similar results for all users of Shop Local or any other platform. Additionally, the comparisons made to big-box stores and other registry services are based on specific searches and rankings at the time of the study. Individual results may differ.
We recently conducted a study to review Google search results for wedding registry purchasing. In the results for 32 states in which we have clients, Shop Local stores ranked on page 1 of Google ahead of national chains and other registry services, which often have larger customer bases and bigger website budgets.
When conducting the search for "wedding registry [state name]", many Shop Local stores beat other registry software and Shopify apps.
Search Results
Number of Shop Local Stores on Page 1 of Google: 70
Number of Shopify Results on Page 1 of Google: 10
Number of Results on Page 1 of Google: 7
Alabama Example
In Alabama, 4 merchants using Shop Local registry software appeared on page 1 of Google. Meanwhile, only 1 result on page 1 used a Shopify app. No merchants using appeared on page 1.
The 4 Shop Local merchants ranked higher on the page than the Shopify merchant.
What Can One Learn From This?
By using Shop Local's software, indie stores may have the best chance of ranking highly in Google. Their store is likely to be found by more customers.