Add a small bio about yourself and your interests to share with your team. By default, your "About" field is pre-populated with "I support shopping local ;)."
Your About information can be updated in the "Edit Team Member" modal.
New Software Features & Updates
How to share your interests and experiences with your team by adding a bio to your staff profile.
People around you have great experiences and unique interests. Let’s help you learn about them—and share yours. Your account has a new feature: You can now add bio information to your staff profile. The new "About" field in your staff profile allows you to share what you do and what interests you. This bio text is displayed on your Team page and can be viewed by other staff members.
By default, the "About" field will pre-populated with "I support shopping local ;)".
Please follow these steps to update your About information:
- Log in to your Shop Local account.
- Roll over Management in the main navigation, then click My Team under the "My Business Profile and Settings" section.
- On the Team page, find your staff entry. Under your name and account access, click the pencil Edit Staff icon to open the "Edit Team Member" modal.
- In the modal, scroll down to the "About" field. In this field, you may enter information that you wish to share about yourself.
- Once you've entered your information, click Save.
new feature
staff profile
team page
staff page
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