- Log in to your Shop Local.
- At the top of your page, hover over Network. From the drop-down menu, click My Sales Reps.
- On the Sales Reps page, you'll see the sales reps that you're connected to.
- Please find the rep that you wish to not have listed. You'll see an edit 'pencil' to the far right of the rep's name. Please click this pencil.
- In the floating white box, you'll see a few options to edit your relationship with the rep.
A. Brand Syncing
You can unsync products with the rep.
Unsyncing will unsync products from the rep's account AND remove the rep from being listed on your Find a Sales Rep page.
B. Friends
You can unfriend the rep.
When you are friends with a rep, you share your news with the rep. Being friends does not mean you are sharing/Syncing products.
C. Complete wipe
If the rep has no relation with your business anymore, this is the best option. There is a link at the bottom of the white window that says "Unsync all my Synced Products, remove wholesale access, remove from Find a Store page, and unfriend this business"
When you click this link, this will do all of the unbinding listed above: it will unfriend, unsync, and delist this rep from your find a rep page.