You're invited to use this review flyer in your store. You can customize the template with your store's review QR code and website URL. If you need help making this, please ask our coaches.
Get more reviews.
Sell more: reviews generates more orders.
We've created this free template for you. All you need to do is print it ;)
Steps to make your template:
We've attached the template to this post. Please download it.
Open it on your computer using a program that lets you edit it (e.g. Word).
Add your Review page's QR code. You get your QR code for free in your account. Visit Settings > Marketing Materials.
Add your website URL to the template (e.g.
Print the template in color on preferably glossy paper. Place it in an upright display.
Place it in your store.
We've also placed this template in your account. You can find it here: