When a customer adds a product to their shopping bag, a modal will appear confirming their item has been added. Your store's custom message will appear in this modal.
When a customer starts the checkout process, they will see your store's custom message displayed again on the checkout order form page.
Your store can add a custom message in the Online Catalog & Store tab of your Shop Local Store.
New Software Features & Updates
How to enhance your customer experience by adding a custom message at checkout.
Your Shop Local Store has a new feature: You can now add a custom message to show to a customer before they checkout. This custom message appears in the modal after the customer adds an item to their shopping bag and on the order form.
By adding a custom message, you can better convey important information, such as shipping or pickup details, return policies, registry gift policies, or promotional offers, directly to your customers. Adding a personal touch to your message also enhances the shopping experience and makes customers feel valued.
Please follow these steps to view this feature:
- Please log in to your Shop Local account.
- Roll over Management at the top of the page.
- From the drop-down menu, under "Business Profile & Settings,” please click on Online Catalog & Store.
- In the Online Catalog & Store tab, on the left side of the page, please find "Custom message to customer before they checkout:" In this field, please enter the custom message you wish to display to customers.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save Your Changes.
new feature
custom message
add message to checkout
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