6 steps you can take to help your business and retailers
As you know, The New York Tabletop Show starts in about three weeks (it's April 9 - 12).
Let's help you get ready! Now is the time to update your Shop Local assortment with new introductions, price changes, and missing data.
Please review your Shop Local account to ensure that these areas are current:
Product Assortment – Have you added or retired items? Please consider the last time the account was updated and discontinued/retired items were archived/deleted.
Pricing – Have you changed prices in 2023/2024 but not updated your Shop Local account? Avoid margin loss from selling at old prices.
Stock – If you are sharing stock, it is important to update it often – we can help you create an automated stock update.
Open Tickets – Retailers may be waiting for your response or have a specific request. Please review and respond to open tickets in your account and then close them.
Wholesale Ordering – If you are not yet participating in this time-saving service, please consider it. Please contact me to set this up.
New Accounts - Have you opened new accounts at the winter shows that have not yet joined you on Shop Local? We can help you send them invitations to join.
Below are helpful links to assist you with your updates:
Please contact me via email if you have questions about updating any of the above key areas of your account: [email protected].
P.S. ~ The Tabletop Association's Shop Local account displays 24,400 Synced products: https://41madison.myshoplocal.com/
If you're a tenant, your products will be visible on this account so retailers can research your products before the show and make an appointment with you.