The last 4 digits of a customer's credit card are displayed on an order's Details page.
Your store can also view a customer's payment information in the order confirmation email.
New Software Features & Updates
How to quickly access credit card information used for an order.
Your Shop Local Store has a new feature: You can now more easily know what credit card a customer used to make a purchase.
Your Shop Local software now outputs the last four digits of a customer's credit card when used on an order.
This update saves your business time. Customers often inquire about with which credit card they made a purchase.
Previously, when customers placed an order through your Shop Local Store, we didn't show you the last four digits of the customer's credit card. One had to review an order in to view the last four numbers of a customer's credit card.
Please note: we take customer privacy, including credit card privacy, seriously. We do not store credit cards in their entirety.
Please note: This feature can only be accessed if your store accepts credit cards online. By default, your Shop Local Store allows customers to place an order online and does not allow them to enter a credit card during the final checkout process. The default setting allows a business to quickly start taking orders without the time-consuming process of setting up credit card processing.
If a store chooses, it can update its Shop Local Store to allow a customer to submit a credit card online when checking out. If a store activates this credit card service, it can take payments online. Shop Local Store can accept all Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards. The merchant chooses which cards to accept.
Pricing for credit card processing can be found on the Services & Billing page. If you wish to accept credit cards online, please contact a Shop Local coach at [email protected].
new feature
credit cards
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