The article reports that services like FeedVisor automatically change your prices, and services like Savored, from Groupon, let restaurants offer a percentage off a meal if the diner comes in at a certian hour.
Maybe a retailer can mimick this and offer a disount when shopping between 2 pm - 4 pm?
On a recent flight to attend a gift show, I discovered that my seat-mate had paid less than half the amount for her airfare than I had paid for mine. Welcome to the world of dynamic pricing! Technically dynamic pricing means that the price of an item is determined by a specific customer’s ability to pay. In actuality, it means that prices are set based on what a specific customer is willing to pay. I probably bought my plane ticket later than my seat-mate, when fewer seats were available on the flight that fit my schedule. The airlines knew that I would be willing to pay a premium to go at that particular time.