For Sales Reps: Help Your Stores at the Dallas and Atlanta Shows
For Sales Reps:
Next week is the Dallas trade show and next month is the Atlanta show. As you may know, I was a sales rep for 5 years. I owned a retail store, Magnon Jewelers, which was founded in 1890, for 37 years. Due to this, I know that preparing for the trade shows is a daunting task. Was I ever truly ready? :)
Let's help you and your stores make the most of the upcoming trade shows.
During the trade shows, Shop Local will pay you to help your stores. Plus, we'll give you both a bonus. More on that in a second.
Your retailers need to get what they buy from you onto their websites. The sooner they do, the sooner they can sell it and reorder from you.
With labor prices high and e-commerce nipping at their heels, they're between a rock and a computer screen.
Retailers sell 18% more when they use our Shop Local e-commerce platform.
Shop Local is the ONLY platform that promotes sales reps.
Materials to Help Your Stores:
I have put together the following materials for you. Please share these materials with your retailers and print for use during the show.
A flyer showing featured Brand Syncing partners. We have 110+ partner brands. You'll see your brands on this sheet. (View partner brand PDF here)
A flyer showing featured retailers that use Shop Local. We have 1,230+ retailers. (View retailer list PDF here)
See You At The Show
Jason Solarek, founder of Bridge's Shop Local platform, will be at both trade shows. He is in Dallas next Wednesday through Friday. He is available to answer questions and share the printed materials. His mobile: 1-917-519-1776.