How to view all of a registry's gift givers on one page.
Your Online Store has a new feature: We've made it easier for you and your registrants to view information about a registry's gift givers. There is now a dedicated Gift Givers page that displays purchases grouped by the gift giver.
Traditionally, orders are organized by date. This page groups orders by the gift giver. The page outputs a registry’s gift givers’ emails and addresses on one page making it handy to manage thank you notes.
The Gift Givers page displays this information:
Gift Giver's Name
Gifts Purchased
Location of Purchase (e.g. online or at the store)
Purchase Amount
Order Status (e.g. shipped, pending, etc.).
The registrant can easily send an email thanking the gift giver for their purchase. Under each gift giver's email, there is a “Thank You" link. Clicking this link opens an email template that is pre-populated with the gift giver's email address.
Please follow these steps to access your new Gift Givers page:
Log in to your Shop Local account.
Roll over Gift Registry in the main navigation, then click GiftLists.
Find and select a registry that you wish to view.
At the top of the Registry list, click Gift Givers.
Please note: Gift givers' contact information, address, gifts purchased, and purchase amount are only visible when logged into a registry by your store or the registrant. This information is not visible to the public.