George Lois, the famous advertising maven, writes in Damn Good Advice that he doesn’t create an advertising campaign as much as he discovers one. He pulls it out of the air and captures it. He shares that Michelangelo said that a sculpture is imprisoned in a block of marble, and only a great sculpture can free it.
I view Bridge in a similar way. We’re not creating the software—we’re discovering it. Our methods for operating an online store were bound to be discovered by someone, as if by an explorer, scientist, or mathematician. We just had to solve the website problem and voilà, we have the e-commerce equivalent of E = MC [insert squared symbol].
Solving the math problem. Discovering unknown lands. Freeing the imprisoned sculpture. It is a noble path to discover and share the best path or process to do things. In our work, the Bridge team is helping hundreds of business owners and are freeing their businesses from 'blocks of marble' to let them be seen to the world. Thank you to the Bridge team for creating a beautiful platform. Bridge should be on display at the Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze.