Tableware Today: Vista Alegre Advertisements Feature Bridge Logo
Retailers know that Bridge offers the easiest online tools to help them sell more. For this reason, the distributor Vista Alegre, which is Portugal’s largest producer of porcelain products, promotes Bridge in its advertisements. Retailers using Bridge and reading Tableware Today will see the logo and know that the products shown are already available to sell via the store’s respective Bridge Store. If the retailer does not use Bridge yet, it may join the brand on Bridge for free.
Previously, Vista Alegre would place Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter logos in the footer of its advertisements. This year the company sought to more efficiently connect its retailers to the best source of product data and it replaced those logos with just one logo, Bridge’s.
Bridge provides its dealers with a 360° ‘snapshot’ of its products including product pricing, dimensions, pictures, care and usage, and 30 other variables.
Vista Alegre has been a Bridge partner since 2013.