How Much Does Building a Website Cost? A Comparison of Magento, Shopify, and Bridge
When a business offers a website, it's a costly venture. A business, such as an indie store, brand, or sales rep group, will build the site and then have to maintain it. On a day-to-day basis, it has to ensure the pages load quickly. This often requires the business use image-optimization software to reduce the page size and a CDN (content delivery network) to get the content closer to the visitor's geographic location. These costs add up.
Bridge and Shopify both bundle many services under a flat fee vs charging for them separately. These bundled services include hosting, design, security, image optimization, and a CDN. This helps reduce costs for the business. Whereas Shopify always charges for its service, Bridge does not. Bridge offers a free plan to businesses. A business can use Bridge Store and pay nothing. Bridge is able to offer the service for free because brand partners underwrite the cost of the Bridge service.
Which e-Commerce provider offers the better deal? Using the chart shown, we can see that Bridge is a fraction of the cost of Shopify yet offers much more. Shopify relies on charging service fees from add-on services. These charges pile up quickly and Shopify becomes expensive. Many of these same add-ons are included for free with Bridge's software.
In addition, Bridge's Smart Products service drastically reduces the labor needed to maintain a site.