- Log in to your Shop Local account.
- Use the search bar or browse to the Syncing Brand item for which you'd like to report an issue. Browse to the product's Details page.
- Once on the Details page, click Suggest Edit.
- In the floating window, check the box that relates to the issue (Ex: update retail price, add picture, etc.).
You can ask a brand to update the following:- Product's name
- Retail price
- Wholesale price
- Interior designer price
- Picture
- Add a primary picture
- Add a second picture
- Update picture(s) shown
- Care usage
- Microwave
- Oven
- Freezer
- Dishwasher
- Dimension
- Length
- Width
- Diameter
- Height
- Capacity
- Product's department
- Description
- Stock
- Case pack
- Status: Please retire / remove product
- Enter any specific notes that the brand may need to know about the error in the details field. Click Submit.
Tip: You can close the white floating window by clicking anywhere outside of the white floating box.
Tip: You can suggest an edit for an item in the Collection page when in edit view.
Tip: You can scroll to the bottom of the Collection's page and suggest an edit for an entire Collection.