- Log in to your Shop Local account.
- Click on Orders at the top of your page.
- On the Orders home page, click on the order ID of the order you'd like to cancel.
- Once on the order's page, view the Order Status area. Change the order status to "Complete: Canceled and Please see Payment Status."
- In the Payment Status area, update the payment status accordingly.
- If your Shop Local Store doesn't accept credit cards online and you have not called the customer for payment, change the payment status to "Has not paid / Please pursue receiving payment."
- If your Shop Local Store accepts credit cards online, you'll need to refund the order through your authorize.net account. Once the order has been refunded, change the payment status on the order's page to "Refunded."
Please find the steps to refund a purchase in authorize.net here: https://www.shoplocal.org/help-center.cfm/20/Refund-a-Purchase-in-Authorize.net.
Please find the steps to delete an order in authorize.net on the same day it was placed here: https://www.shoplocal.org/help-center.cfm/4/Delete-an-Order-in-Authorize.net-on-the-Same-Day-It-Was-Placed.