1. Login to your Bridge.
2. You'll confirm if the retailer is active in Bridge, listed as selling your brand, and/or syncing products with your brand via Bridge.
To do this, at the top of your site roll over "Management" and from the drop down under "Friends & Members" click on "Bridge Retailers."
On the Bridge Retailers page, you'll see your brand and which retailers are connected to it.
You'll see these columns:
- Store name
- Synced
- Sales
- Friends
- Show on Find a Retailer (page)
- Sales Rep
3. Do you see the retailer that you want to appear on your Find a Retailer page?
A. If so, then you'll ask:
i. Does the page show that you are you are syncing products with the store? You will likely want to be syncing products. If there is an 'ask to sync' link, you're not syncing products with it. Click the ask to sync link. (If you are syncing products, there is a green dot.)
ii. Does the page show that you are you friends with the store? If the store sells your product, you will want to be friends with it. Being friends is different than syncing. It allows you to easily share news and files, and contact each other via Bridge.
iii. Does the page show that the store is showing on your Find a Retailer page? If the store is appearing, there will be a green dot in this column. If not, there will be an "Add" link. You will likely want to have all stores that are syncing products with your appearing on your Find a Retailer page.
Helpful feature:
At the bottom of the "Synced" column, there is a percentage showing the percentage of retailers that you're syncing products with. You will likely want this percentage to be as close to 100% as possible. You will most likely want to sync with all retailers that say they sell your brand.
B. If the store that you want to show on the Find a Retailer page is not listed on this page, you will then check the "Connections" page. To go to your Connections page, at the top of your site roll over "Management" and from the drop down under "Friends & Members" click on "Connections."
C. On the Connections page, you'll see a list of retailers that you are associated with in Bridge.
D. Do you see the retailer that you wish to add to your Find a Store page?
E. If you don't see the store you want to add to your find a store page, skip down to step F below.
If you do see it, roll over the store's name and you'll see an "Edit" link appear to the right of its name. Click this Edit link. A floating window will appear.
i. You'll see text that resembles this:
Manage your business relationship with:
[store name]
Below that you'll see the opportunity to sync products with the store. You may choose to do that. Regardless of that, for the purpose of adding this store to your find a store page, look farther down. You'll see text like this:
Your Find a Retailer Page
[store name] is not appearing on your
Find a Retailer page:
» Show this retailer on your Find a Retailer page
ii. Click this link "» Show this retailer on your Find a Retailer page".
iii. You'll seen then see this text:
You are not friends with this business. » Friend
Click the Friend link to friend the store. If it's appearing on your find a retailer page, it's a good idea to be friends with it.
F. On the Connections page, if you do not see the retailer that you wish to add, then you'll look on the right side of the page and you'll see a green button that says "Add retailers." Click this button.
i. You will be taken to the directory of retailers.
ii. In this directory, find the business that you want to add. You can either use the search feature or scroll through retailers.
iv. If you can't find the store that you wish to add in our directory, skip down to step G below.
If you do find it, once you find the business in the Friend column, click on the "Friend" link. When you are friends with a store, it will appear on your Connections page. Now return to step E above.
G. If the store you want to add is not in our directory, there is a green button that says "Invite business" on the right hand side. Click on this link.
i. In the floating window, enter in the requested information.
ii. Then submit it. Bridge will add the store to the directory within 24 hours.
iii. Once it does, you'll continue on this page on step F above.